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Practice your decision-making skills with these scenarios!
Use this guide to help adjust preflop play for various table conditions
Use this guide to determine your equity in PKO Tournaments
Use these ranges w/15-40BB Effective Stacks from BB facing a single open raise
Use these GTO ranges when playing Heads Up with 10-40BB Effective Stacks
Use these GTO ranges when playing Blind Vs Blind with 50BB Effective Stacks
Use these charts preflop when playing Heads Up with a Big Blind Ante
Use these GTO range charts preflop for raising first-in with 20BB effective stack
Use these range charts preflop for raising first-in with 20BB effective stack
Use these ranges to defend your 3-bets Preflop OOP (vs 4x Sizing) Tough Opponents
Use these ranges from the SB facing a single open raise vs a Tough Opponent
Use these ranges to defend your 3-bets Preflop (vs 4x sizing) Tough Opponents
Use these ranges to defend your 3-bets Preflop (vs 3x sizing) Tough Opponents
Use these ranges w/15BB from BB facing a single open raise vs a Tough Opponent
Use these GTO range charts preflop for raising first-in facing Tough Opponents
Use these hand ranges facing a 3-Bet preflop vs a Tough Opponent
Use this guide to determine your action preflop using a Polarized Strategy
Use these range charts from the BB facing a single open raise vs a Tough Opponent
Use these range charts preflop for raising first-in facing Tough Opponents
Use these range charts when shoving or limping from the SB with 15-20BB
Use these range charts when calling from the BB vs 1 opponent
Use this worksheet to self assess how you play in different scenarios
Use these range charts when Overbet Reshoving vs LP openers
Use this chart to determine the best move based on stack sizes
Use this sheet to analyze the profitability of Reshoving in a given spot
Use these charts as a guide for determining Polarized 3-Betting Ranges
Use these charts as a guide for determining Linear 3-Betting Ranges
Use this worksheet to self assess how you play in different scenarios
Use this guide to determine your action with any hand preflop
Use these range charts preflop for raising first-in from EP, MP, or LP
Use this chart to ensure you are calling in the correct situations preflop
Use this manual as a guide for when you should c-bet preflop
Recommended Tools
PokerCruncher is a hand ranges equity calculator that can be downloaded from the Mac, iOS, and Android app stores.
TDA rules used by permission of the Poker TDA
© 2024 All rights reserved, Poker Tournament Directors Association
Simple Poker offers advanced Nash Equilibrium tools for exploration of GTO Play in No-Limit Hold'em and Omaha Poker