Q♥Q♠ on the Flop, what do you do here?

Decision Point: In a Tournament, UTG calls, MP2 calls, and the Hijack calls. You raise with Q♥Q♠. The Button and both Blinds fold; UTG, MP2, and the Hijack call. The flop comes 8♥7♥2♠. It checks around to you. Action is on you, what do you do here?
Pro Answer: After several limpers, we raised preflop with pocket queens for both value and to thin the field. We were called by three opponents and the flop was highly coordinated.
With a highly coordinated flop and multiple opponents, one pair hands such as top pair or even overpairs to the board lose much of their value. In many situations you should be prepared to get away from your hand.
However, in this hand the remaining effective stack is very shallow. We have less than a pot sized bet left in our stack. Despite having multiple opponents and a coordinated board, we are committed to this hand. We should move all-in both for value and to protect our hand.
When analyzing your play on the flop, always remember to pay attention to stack sizes. If stacks were deeper, we could have played this hand differently.
Given these stacks, we must move all-in.
What would you do here?
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