Let’s talk about poker goals…

SMART goals - canva

But these won't be just ANY poker goals. Today we are talking about S.M.A.R.T. goals.

What are S.M.A.R.T. goals?

S.M.A.R.T. goals are:

Specific: Instead of saying, "I'm going to start winning at poker", one could say, "I'm going to plug leaks in my cash game spending 30 minutes a week watching LearnWPT Strategy Episodes and reviewing notes I take to make sure I am applying what I learn at the table."

Measurable: Progress must be trackable. Setting concrete milestones for assessing your progress allows you to adjust based on your results. Not sure how you are doing? Ask our LearnWPT Pros along the way for their advice using the Ask a Pro or Hand Input Tool feature.

Attainable: Maybe you want to become a WPT Champion, but you haven't yet won a WPT event. Better to start with something like: "Grow my poker bankroll to $_____ where I can comfortably play in a WPT Tournament" or "Attend a LearnWPT Live Workshop for interactive professional training".

Relevant: This means that the goal fits into your real life situation, skills, and desires. An irrelevant poker goal to set would be to play poker only on days that start with the letter "T". 😉

Time-Bound: This means your goal has a "when" associated with it. That could mean, "I'll play every Saturday for the next 4 weeks", or it could mean, "I'll join LearnWPT and review a strategy video every other day for 30 days". As long as you account for time, your on your way to setting a SMART goal!

So right now... try articulating your SMART poker goal. Say it out loud to yourself, write it down, and keep it somewhere visible!

One post-it note with a SMART goal in it in the right place can work WONDERS for your motivation!!

Much success,

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