Category: Success Stories

Join Us in Congratulating Manju!

We continue to be overwhelmed by all of the feedback we receive from LearnWPT Students.

Not only about the success they’ve been having at the tables since joining or attending a Live Workshop (which is great!), but more importantly how they are improving their play by studying and applying the LearnWPT game-plan.

Read how LearnWPT Live Student, Manju G. from Diamond Bar, CA is implementing the LearnWPT game-plan and making history by being the 1st woman to win a WSOP Circuit ring at Thunder Valley!

Manju G - Success Story

"Dear LearnWPT support team,

Wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for the most useful concepts presented at the workshop I attended in Feb at the Commerce Casino.

Poker in general is male dominated and being a middle age woman certainly put me at a disadvantage.

The workshop not only gave me the needed confidence but also provided a strategic blueprint in how to maneuver through various stages in a tournament.

Even though the concepts presented were for NLH, I was easily able to apply them in the various mixed games tournaments I played. As a result, I’ve cashed more times in the last 7 months than all of last year.

My most success was at the recent Thunder Valley Circuit where I got my first WSOP ring (see link below) and back to back cashes in the other two events I played.

These cumulative wins put me on top of the leader-board thereby earning the title of the Casino Champion and a free 10K seat to the exclusive 2018/19 Global Casino Championship.

Never thought I would ever play a 10K tourney but thanks to the WPT Team, I get a chance to do so. Am so glad I took the plunge and attended your workshop, it’s more than paid for itself - thank you!"

-Manju G.

Congratulations on your poker success, Manju and we look forward to cheering you on at the WSOP Global Casino Championship and what you will accomplish in the future! 👏

As a student of the game, Manju has the LearnWPT mindset that practicing and applying the LearnWPT game-plan will put you on the path to success.

LearnWPT can do the same for you and your poker game! Try your first month of LearnWPT for only $5 or attend a LearnWPT Live Workshop and you could be our next Success Story!

Join us in Congratulating Yves!

Our goal at LearnWPT is to help players of all skill levels succeed in improving their play in cash games and tournaments.

We continue to be overwhelmed by all of the feedback we receive from LearnWPT Members!

Not only about the success they’ve been having at the poker tables since joining or attending a Live Workshop (which is great!), but more importantly how they are improving their play by studying and implementing the LearnWPT game-plan!

Unfortunately we don't have room to post all of them, but here's a quote from Member and Live Workshop Student, Yves F. from West Vancouver, CA when we asked about his "AHA" poker moment:


"Actually, it was the day after the last day of the Borgata LearnWPT seminar.

I went down to the Borgata NL $1/$2 table and bought in for $100. I started playing my old game, and in 30 minutes I saw situation I should have played using LearnWPT that would have yielded a positive result.

I played a hand that LearnWPT said I should not, and they did not work well. Down to $40, then $20, ... I bought another $100 determined to apply what I learned.

It really is another world when you have an effective preflop strategy that works with a solid postflop game.

No heater, but solid committed play. A few all ins, some check raises, but solid positional play and my stack went over $700 in three hours. I did take a picture.

I look forward to using these new playing tools in the future."

Congratulations on your poker success, Yves! 👏

As a student of the game, Yves has the LearnWPT mindset that practicing and applying the LearnWPT game plan will put you on the path to success.

LearnWPT can do the same for you and your poker game! Try your first month of LearnWPT for only $5 or attend a LearnWPT Live Workshop and you could be our next Success Story!

Join us in Congratulating Rhode!

When we created LearnWPT our goal was to help improve the games of poker players who love the game as much as we do.

We’re blown away by all the emails we get from LearnWPT Members! Not only about the success they’ve been having at the poker tables since joining (which is great!) but more importantly, how the are implementing the strategies taught and improving their overall game!

Unfortunately we don't have room to post all of them, but here's some inspiration we got from LearnWPT Member Rhode, from Wimauma, FL:

Rhode Nelson - optmzd.jpg

"I started playing poker in 2015 with very little knowledge, no understanding and absolutely no strategy.

That year, I finished 2nd in the first live tournament I entered, pocketed $347 and had no more success for the rest of the year.

I entered 2016 with the same arsenal of skills, played 12 tournaments and cashed a grand total of $400. Then I decided, prodded by the WPT commercials with Mike & Vince to join

The following month I rode my Top 6 lessons; 2-Preflop Raise Sizing, 3-Preflop Calling, 6- Multiway Pots [Number of Opponents], 8- Board Texture, 11- C-Bets and 16- Position to a satellite tournament win on-board a cruise ship.

I won a second cruise valued at $3800 and a $750 entry into the $100,000 tournament on the new cruise. I was amazed at the difference just a few lessons had made in my understanding of Hold-em. I now had the beginnings of an actual strategy!

Last Year, I played 71 tournaments, mostly in Las Vegas. I won 11 of them and added 8 more cashes. My total winnings for 2017: $4296

Thank You Nick Binger, Thank You LearnWPT.

The bottom line?
Without LearnWPT - $747
With LearnWPT - $8296

Enough Said!

Congratulations on your poker success, Rhode! 👏

As a student of the game, Rhode has the LearnWPT mindset that a little bit of studying away from the table, done consistently over time, will put you on the path to success.

LearnWPT can do the same for you and your poker game! Try your first month of LearnWPT for only $5 (which includes the 6 Strategy Episodes Rhode studied to help him win), and you could be our next Inspirational Story!

The Bottom Line?

Join LearnWPT to improve your game... enough said 😊

Join us in Congratulating Tazo and Shirley!

When we created LearnWPT our goal was to help improve the games of poker players who love the game as much as we do.

We’re blown away by all the emails we get from LearnWPT Members! Not only about the success they’ve been having at the poker tables since joining, but also about what poker means to them and how it’s changed their lives.

Unfortunately we don't have room to post all of them, but here's some inspiration we got from LearnWPT Members Tazo and Shirley, from Las Vegas, NV:

Tazo and Shirley - optmzd.png

"My wife, Shirley, and I have more than 150 years combined. I am in my 71st year as a retired entrepreneur and Shirley is in her 81st year as a retired nurse and long-time Vegas resident.

I have dabbled at poker for a number of years. A few years ago Shirley asked me to teach her. I told her that poker takes a lot of work, and like the piano, not many take it up late in life… she took my casual comment as “fighting words” and immediately responded to the challenge! You need to know, Shirley helped her first husband host small family poker games in their basement more than forty years ago…she did the food and snacks…she never played…only the guys…some notable names...

I had books, some old DVDs, poker notes from over the years, but nothing coherent and certainly nothing presented in short digestible lessons. That’s when I tried LearnWPT on a weekly then monthly basis and for the last half year, I have subscribed for a year.

The bottom line, playing and learning how to actually have a winning tournament poker "game" at our age has changed our lives dramatically!

We play at lower levels in Vegas, buy-ins in $80 to $250 ranges, but both cash consistently, in 30-35% range, and played 300+ tournaments last year. Since we both have some medical constraints…only occasionally do we attempt deeper stack tournaments. We have done quite well early last year at Binion’s when they had their $10,000 guaranteed for $160 buy-in. In the past few months, while Shirley has been recovering from a knee replacement, I have played deeper stack tournaments a few times a month at The Mirage, Aria, and The Venetian…but again in the $150 to $250 buy-in range.

We find that our elderly ailments and old age pains completely disappear when we are at a poker table focusing on Nick’s fundamental approach to understanding what is going on and how we can exploit situations. Poker definitely keeps our mental game engaged and focused, not only do we love it, but clearly it is extremely healthy!

We thought that since most of your members are younger, you should know that there is a need for two old new revitalized poker players!

Thanks, Tazo and Shirley."

Congratulations on your poker success, Tazo and Shirley! 👏

As a students of the game, Tazo and Shirley have the LearnWPT mindset that a little bit of studying away from the table, done consistently over time, will put you on the path to success. And more importantly...they are having fun doing it!

LearnWPT can do the same for you and your poker game! Try your first month of LearnWPT for only $5, and you could be our next Inspirational Story!

Need more proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks? Check out this story of "The Silver Snipers", a team of seniors (ranging in age from 62-81) who joined an e-sports tournament playing Counter Strike against much younger opponents. The best part... they did this after just 3 weeks of coaching.